Monday, April 14, 2008


On April 6th we ran the 12k race, Vivicittà. The course started in Piazza Transalpina, a place which commemorates the last place where the "Iron Curtain" fell. The race was half in Italy and half in Slovenia, and it was Nora's second race ever and Peter's first race in over two years. We made many papers before and after the race since we came all the way from California to run!! Not exactly true, but details get lost in translation. We were called up during the ceremony and received a medal for our journey! Great day all around.


Kevin said...

Congrats to both of you. Looks like you guys are enjoying your journey. It's great that you are sharing your adventures with the rest of us.

Kevin Tilton

Unknown said...

Peter and Nora,

You guys must be having a blast! I am enjoying reading about your adventures. Are you headed back home anytime soon?

Forrest and Lindsey Locke said...

Pete and Nora,

me+ your trip=jealous.
you+the trip= happy for the both of you!

I absolutely adore this picture <3

雅雯雅雯 said...

請繼續發表好文!加油加油加油! .................................................................